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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Antioxidants Article

Here's an article I found on by Mary Porter that I thought would be helpful. It's an article on The Value of Antioxidants. Enjoy...

"How do antioxidants promote better health?

They control the affect of free radical damage. Free radicals are produced in your body as a result of oxidation. Oxidation is a naturally occurring process that takes place when cells use oxygen for fuel.

The byproduct of the burning of oxygen is free radicals. In the oxygen burning process electrons are separated, and some electrons are left isolated. They then begin to fly around looking for another electron to join with. When they find one, they join with it and become stable again. But the electron they joined with may have left another electron behind, isolated and then itself becoming a free radical. It is a chain reaction. They can not be eliminated.

The cells have the ability to control some free radicals within themselves. There are enzymes present in cells that can prevent the free radicals from flying around, and the enzymes can repair the damage that may have been caused. But when there are excessive free radicals, more than the cells can handle, free radicals escape into the body, and continue to fly around, causing more damage.

Free radical damage can influence physical and mental aging. It can be responsible for developing cancer, arthritis, cardiovascular disease, and other degenerative processes.

Some causes of free radical production from our environment today would include air pollution, radiation and X-ray, cigarette smoke, pesticides and other toxic chemicals, emotional stress, and intense exercise.

Cells build their defense against free radicals by combining enzymes with minerals including manganese, zinc, copper and selenium. This combination places itself between the flying electron and its intended target, rendering the flying electron harmless. If the cells don't have enough minerals for enzymes to combine with, they are unable to adequately protect from free radical activity.

Many antioxidants can be accessed through diet. Some sources would be citrus fruits, green vegetables, tomatoes, potatoes, and fortified cereals provide Vitamin C. Green leafy vegetables, whole wheat, oatmeal, soybean oil, corn oil, nuts, and eggs provide Vitamin E. Dark green, yellow, and red vegetables, dairy products and eggs, and yellow fruits provide Beta Carotene. Seafood, liver, cereals and grains provide Selenium. Meat, liver, eggs, seafood, and pumpkin seeds provide Zinc.

All antioxidants don't have the same function. Beta Carotene is good protection from free radicals caused by intense exercise, while Vitamin E and selenium are better equipped to handle those caused by exposure to toxic chemicals. Also, antioxidants protect each other. Beta Carotene protects Vitamin C, which in turn protects Vitamin E. With enough protection, antioxidants are free to travel through the body, guarding against free radical attacks.

Even though antioxidants are available from our diet, we cannot be assured that there are adequate amounts in food today. Between the depleted state of soil used to grow our food, and the processing that are food is subject to, the nutritional value that is left is not enough. Not only is the nutrition available decreased, but the food is also exposed to chemical fertilizers and additives that have the potential to cause even more free radical production.

Some of the benefits as a result of use of antioxidant supplements are increased protection from many forms of cancer, stronger defense against cardiovascular disease, and a more powerful immune system.

I would think, in view of all this, that supplementing with a good, broad spectrum antioxidant would be a healthy choice for anyone."

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Thursday, May 10, 2007


Did you know that free radicals can actually cause loss of sight? It's the same principle as with what happens with your skin.

That's why it's important to get your antioxidants. Not only do they reduce signs of aging, but it also helps your cells inside and helps slow down losing your eyesight.

So eat more fruits and vegetables, and get your antioxidants naturally. That's the best way to get them, try to stay away from pills, I'll get into that a big later. Just get your antioxidants if you would like to help keep your eyes healthy!

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Wednesday, May 9, 2007

What causes aging?

Did you know that free radicals are what causes aging? They are how you get wrinkles...

It's called the process of oxidation, and that is what leads to aging. Oxidation causes the production of free radicals. These free radicals are highly reactive, they react with and damage other molecules. That means all molecules, healthy cells or unhealthy foreign bodies. So when free radicals start attacking the body's own cells, the result is aging.

Antioxidants however, come to the rescue! They are the natural enemies of free radicals and their job is to destroy harmful free-radicals, counteracting the damaging of tissues and cells. So antioxidants in a sense, may help reduce signs of aging!

So why not eat more fruits and vegetables to get your antioxidants?! Put down those processed, sugary, or fatty foods. Reach for an apple instead. You'll feel better, and may even look younger!

Come back and see us for more info tomorrow. Or subscribe to our feed! Thanks for reading. :)

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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Can too much of a good thing be bad?

Too many antioxidants can actually be a bad thing long term. Now don't get nervous, but stocking up on a whole bunch of vitamins pills won't do you good. The best way to get antioxidants in naturally. So what I can tell you is to fight off those free radicals it is best to eat 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

A healthy well balanced diet is always the best way to go, getting your vitamins naturally through food is how we were created to get them. So don't think you can just take the pills to fix everything. Just eat your fruits and veggies.

Sorry this is so short but that's all the time I have for tonight. Thanks for reading!

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Monday, May 7, 2007

Free radicals and aging

If all this talk of free radicals vs. antioxidants hasn't gotten you pumped and wanting to eat more foods that are high in antioxidants...maybe this will.

Everyone knows you can't stop aging right? Duh, we're always growing older every second of every day, it's just the natural way of thing in how God created us. But he also created the fruits, vegetables, and other foods that are rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals. Free radicals actually cause aging because they attack our cells. But when you absorb antioxidants, they fight back against the free radicals. Now you won't be able to stop aging if you eat antioxidants, but it will probably help you look younger by delaying those free radicals from attacking some cells.

Most people put on creams or try all sorts of products to look younger. We're so concerned with what's going on on the outside, we forget that it's all a result of what's going on inside. So really, it's a matter of what we eat that is causing us to look the way we do on the outside. It's just that simple.

I hope this information was helpful to you, if so please subscribe to my feed. Thanks for reading and have a blessed day! :)

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Sunday, May 6, 2007

You need your antioxidants!

Eat your fruits and vegetables! They help in the battle against free radicals because many fruits and veggies contain antioxidants that your body needs.

Berries are very high in antioxidants (such as blueberries, blackberries, and cranberries). They also make a great snack because they're bite-sized ;). So grab a handful or a half cup of those for a snack and give your cells a boost so they can fight those free radicals that can cause your body harm.

Sorry, but this is all the time I have for today. Subscribe to my feed or come back and see us. I'll be posting more info every day!

Have a great day!

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Saturday, May 5, 2007

A battle begins in the human body...

In the lungs breath, the deadly free radicals enter, their arms poised for battle, swords drawn, seeking the helpless cells to destroy. They attack the poor cells, attaching themselves to the walls, and oxidation begins. And they begin killing them at a molecular level.

An alarm rings somewhere in the bran, and released are the white blood cells. But they can't hold them off much longer! "We need back up!" One white blood cell yells. "We need them fast."

At that very moment, you consume a vitamin C supplement, and in swarm an army of antioxidants, willing to fight along side your white blood cells.

Antioxidants versus Free Radicals, and the battle wages on.

Friday, May 4, 2007

What is a free radical?

What exactly is a "free radical", you may be wondering. Well, here's a brief overview.

Everyone has what is called free radicals that roam throughout the body. These free radicals have the potential to attack on protein, lipid and nucleic acids leads to a reduction in their respective function, thereby decreasing cell function, then organ function, and finally, organismal function. This action is called oxidation, which leads to the cell damage. They are about the size of an atom and move very fast.

Sounds bad doesn't it? Well, yes, it is bad, however...antioxidants fight back. A nutrition plan that includes antioxidants can assist in staving off the potential for acute illness due to free radicals. Antioxidants help the body to slow and contain the damage done by free radicals, washing them harmlessly out of the body. Antioxidants can even help repair damage that has already been done by them.

There are many ways to get your antioxidants, but the best way is naturally by eating plenty of fruits and veggies a day. They are packed with antioxidants.

Come back tomorrow for more information because we've only hit the tip of the iceberg with free radicals and antioxidants. There's so much more to know!